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Project: HARMONIA DEC-2012/04/M/ST1/00523.

Title: Lie systems: theoria, generalisations and applications,

Organism: National Science Center (Poland),

Role: Member of research group, 

From 01/06/2012 to 30/05/2015.



Project: MAESTRO DEC-2012/06/A/ST1/00256.

Title: Geometry of jets and field theories,

Organism: National Science Center (Poland),

Role: Member of research group, 

od 2014 do 2016.


Project: MTM2006-10531.

Title: Geometric and variational methods in integrability and Control Theory,

Organism: Ministerio de Eduaci\'on y Ciencia (Ministry of Education and Science), 

Role: Member of research group, 

{\bf Duration} 2007-2009.


Project: MTM2009-11154.

Title: Geometric methods in integrability and Control Theory,

Organism: Ministerio de Eduaci\'on y Ciencia (Ministry of Education and Science),

Role: Member of research group, 

Duration} 2009-Present.


Code: E24/1.

Title: Mathematical Physics and Field Theory

Organism: Direccion General de Arag\'on (DGA),

Role: Member of research group, 

Duration: 2007-2009.


Code: MTM2006-27467-E.

Title: (Spanish) Geometry, Mechanics and Control,

Organism: Ministerio de Educaci\'on y Ciencia (Ministry of Education and Science),

Role: Member of research group, 

Duration: from 15/01/2007 to 26/04/2009.


Code: MTM2007-30168-E.

Title: (Spanish) Geometry, Mechanics and Control,

Organism: Ministerio de Educaci\'on y Ciencia (Ministry of Education and Science),

Role: Member of research group, 

Duration: from 20/01/2008 to 20/04/2009.


Code: MTM2008-03606-E.

Title: (Spanish) Geometry, Mechanics and Control,

Organism: Ministerio de Educaci\'on y Ciencia (Ministry of Education and Science), 

Role: Member of research group,  

Duration: from 20/01/2009 to 20/04/2010.


Code: MTM2009-08166-E.

Title: (Spanish) Ministry of Education and Science,

Organism: Ministerio de Educaci\'on y Ciencia (Ministry of Education and Science) ,

Role: Member of research group, 

Duration: from 01/02/2010 to 30/04/2011.


Code: MTM2010-12166-E.

Title: Geometry, Mechanics and Control,

Organism: (Spanish) Ministry of Education and Science,

Rola: Member of research group,

Duration: from 01/02/2011 to 30/04/2012.



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