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  • P.G. Estevez, F.J. Herranz, J. de Lucas and C. Sardón, Lie symmetries for Lie systems: applications of ODEs and HODEs, To appear in Applied Mathematics and Computation


  • A. Blasco, F.J. Herranz, J. de Lucas and C. Sardõn, Lie--Hamilton systems on the plane: applications and superposition rules, J. Phys. A 48, 345202 (2015)


  • J.F. Cariñena, J. de Lucas and M.F. Rañada, Jacobi multipliers, nonlocal symemtries and harmonic oscillators J. Math. Phys. 56, 063505 (2015).


  • J.F. Cariñena and J. de Lucas, Quasi-Lie families, quasi-Lie schemes, and their applications to Abel equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 430, 648--671 (2015).


  • F.J. Herranz, J. de Lucas and C. Sardõn, Jacobi--Lie systems: theory and low dimensional classification, Accepted in Proceedings AIMS (2015).


  • J. de Lucas, M. Tobolski and S. Vilarino, A new application of $k$-symplectic Lie systems, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 1550071 (2015).


  • J. de Lucas and S. Vilariño, k-symplectic Lie systems: theory and applications, J. Differential Equations 258 (6), 2221--2255 (2015).


  • A. Ballesteros, A. Blasco, J.F. Herranz, J. de Lucas and C. Sardõn, Lie-Hamilton systems on the plane: theory, classification and applications, J. Differential Equations 258, 2873--2907 (2015).

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